First mesh

A square

Let’s go

  1. Copy/paste the following code in a new file, named e.g. square.geo:

     h = 1;                     // Characteristic length of a mesh element
     Point(1) = {0, 0, 0, h};   // Point construction
     Point(2) = {10, 0, 0, h};
     Point(3) = {10, 10, 0, h};
     Point(4) = {0, 10, 0, h};
     Line(1) = {1,2};            //Lines
     Line(2) = {2,3};
     Line(3) = {3,4};
     Line(4) = {4,1};
     Curve Loop(1) = {1,2,3,4};   // A Boundary
     Plane Surface(1) = {1};     // A Surface
     Physical Surface(1) = {1};  // Setting a label to the Surface
  2. In GMSH, go to files->open (CTRL+o) and open the file, or type gmsh square.geo in a terminal (warning: this open a new instance of GMSH (which is very light by the way!)).

  3. A square should have appear in GMSH’s windows. The camera can be adjusted using the mouse: rotating (left click), translating (right click) or zooming (wheel). At bottom left of GMSH’s windows, camera can be reseted using X,Y,Z and 1:1 (scale) buttons.

  4. The square can now be meshed by typing 2 on the keyboard (or maybe shift + 2) or using the menu: Mesh->2D

Mesh of a square
Mesh of a square
Menu and Camera
Menu and Camera


GMSH is provided with a log console that can be displayed by clicking on the bottom banner of the window. For the square example, you should have something like

Info    : Reading 'square.geo'...
Info    : Done reading 'square.geo'
Info    : Finalized high order topology of periodic connections
Info    : Meshing 1D...
Info    : Meshing curve 1 (Line)
Info    : Meshing curve 2 (Line)
Info    : Meshing curve 3 (Line)
Info    : Meshing curve 4 (Line)
Info    : Done meshing 1D (0.000981 s)
Info    : Meshing 2D...
Info    : Meshing surface 1 (Plane, Delaunay)
Info    : Done meshing 2D (0.017519 s)
Info    : 142 vertices 286 elements

This shows that GMSH starts by meshing the four lines (Meshing 1D...) then the surface. In this example, 142 vertices have been created for a total of 286 elements (lines and triangles).

Mesh can be saved using CTRL + Shift + s or using graphical interface (file->save mesh). By default, the extension of the mesh is .msh and of the same root as the .geo file (i.e. square.geo leads to square.msh).

Code analyse

Parameter h

On the first line of our code is defined a variable, h, which is the characteristic length of the elements. This size is precised at each Point elementary entity.

Let us play with it (check the tips bellow first):

  1. Modify the parameter h, remesh and observe the result
  2. Anisotropic mesh: change only the mesh size of Point(2), for example with h/10. Remesh and observe the result
When the file has been modified, there is no need to relaunch GMSH: simply press 0 (zero) (or maybe shift + 0). This forces GMSH to reset and re-read the current file.

Point entity

In GMSH, a volume (3D) is defined by its surfaces, a surface (2D) by its (closed) curves and a curve (1D) by its endpoints. Each of these, Volume, Surface, Curve and Point are named elementary entities in GMSH. The first one that is studied here are the 0D entity: Point. They are defined as follows

Point(index) = {x, y, z, h};

where the parameters are:

  • index: unique identifier (int > 0) of the Point. This number has to be set by the user, either manually or using newp which returns the next available index for Point (newp = NEW Point).
  • x, y, z: cartesian coordinate of the Point
  • h: mesh element size around the Point

Apply the following change to square.geo:

  1. Move some Point to obtain a rectangle (instead of a square)
  2. Move some Point to get a quadrangle not rectangular at all

Line and Curve Loop entities


It is an oriented segment linking two Point:

  Line(index) = {PointA, PointB};

Avec comme paramètres :

  • index: unique identifier (int > 0) of the Line. As for Point,this number has to be set by the user, either manually or using newl (next available index for Line).
  • PointA: index of the starting Point
  • PointB: index of the ending Point
A Line is oriented!

Curve Loop

Closed loop of Curve (Line being a Curve) that represent a boundary (for a Surface generally):

Curve Loop(index) = {Curve1, Curve2, ..., CurveN};


  • index: Unique identifier (int > 0) of the Curve Loop (newll can be used)
  • CurveX: index of the Xth Curve (or Line). If this quantity is negative (e.g. -10) then the Curve is oriented backwardly.

Let’s do a “L-shape” geometry in a new file L.geo as proposed in the below figure (Set a mesh refinement to h=1). You can copy/paste the previous square.geo file to help yourself.

L Shape geometry (with `h`=1 !)
L Shape geometry (with h=1 !)

Surface entity

A Surface is defined by its boundaries: their Curve Loop (possibly more than one):

Plane Surface(index) = {CurveLoop1, CurveLoop2, ..., CurveLoopN};
  • index: Unique identifier (int > 0) of the Surface (news can be used)
  • CurveLoopX: index of the Xth Curve Loop. As for the Line, this quantity can be negative (e.g. -10) to backwardly orient a Curve Loop.

Modify the “L-shape” geometry to add a hole inside as on the below figure. You will have to add Point and Line obvsiouly, but also a new Curved Loop. The Surface must then be defined by the 2 loops!

L-Shape avec un trou carré
L-Shape avec un trou carré

Elementary Entities vs. Physical Entities

The last line of the filesquare.geo is:

Physical Surface(1)={1};

This is particular to GMSH and do not affect the geometry rather than the output mesh file. The command is the same for Volume, Surface, Curve and Point:

Physical Volume/Surface/Line/Point(index) = {entity1, entity2, ..., entityN};

Basically, GMSH can set a unique identifier (index) to a set of entities (to regroup them). This new identifier has nothing to do with the previous one you have defined. The output file do not contain the elementary index but only the physical ones. Moreover, only the entities that have a physical tag are saved to the disk! This is explained in detail later.
